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Merry meet all, I wanted to get your opinions on sharing holidays, christan and pagan, do you think it wrong to celebrate both chrostion and pagan holidays if your significant other wants to celebrate both? we all know that christian holidays are very important to most christian as pagan holidays are to us, and some may feel that its a bit wrong. But what if your other half has celebrated your holidays (pagen) openly and wants you to do the same with theirs. Is it wrong? is it okay?

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Considering that Christian holidays are based on pagan practices, I think mixing the two is "keeping it realer" than celebrating just the Christian holidays... though not visa versa (kinda like how a rectangle is a square but a square isn't a rectangle... lol or is it the other way around?).
That said, if someone has shown you the respect of celebrating your holidays openly and they invite you to celebrate theirs, it would be rude not to oblige.
Hey, Jesus himself was kind to pagans, so why not?
I don't see a problem with it. Christian holidays are based on Pagan traditions and beliefs... so why not enjoy it.! LOL I personally don't celebrate Xmas.. but that is a personal choice and not completely based on a religious theme. My friends do celebrate that holiday.. so we made a "deal" this past year and celebrated both Yule and Xmas on December 21st. (My idea.. they fell for it... not my fault they didn't know it was Yule! LOL)
I think that as long as you feel comfortable then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. & relationships are all about compromise...it sounds like your other half is willing to compromise for you....so why not? lol. I feel the same way in my relationship....although I don't celebrate either holidays myself and neither does my honey...but my entire family is christian so we do attend christmas with my family and to me that is a compromise for him...which is very much appreciated. The less complicated things are the better. Just do what feels right to you :)


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