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With the danger of a personal freedom banned in the future, what can a smart Neopagan do NOW?...

Following my examination of modern Islam and of the impact of so called revealed religions on our everyday life, I like to see what's gonna happen possibly and most likely next. I will like to know your perspective and I will tell you mine. Obviously I see in danger our Paganic freedom in a world largely dominated by Christians and Muslims. Besides ideological extremist thinkers like Al Qaeda or the Christians Opus Dei, the vast majority of the accolades are just following the dictates of their leaders. Then we need to prepare ourselves to fight for our Pagan Credo right of expression, before they will control our freedom, closing us in a cul de sac, like in a virtual prison and in a worst but possible scenario suppressing with violence our Credo and freedom.
Among many examples of today's repression of thought, I like to point out a fancy example, but meaningful, regarding the famous Portoguese soccer coach Jose Mourinho, actual coach of Inter Fc. Milan soccer club. Just today Mourinho was criticized by an Italian Muslim leader and also threatened with death by various Islamic groups, cause he had remarked that one of his players, the Muslim soccer player Mountari, was following too much strictly the rules of Islamic Ramadam, with the result of becoming too weak to play soccer decently.
Everybody can see that the coach was obviously concerned about the team and not surely interested or wanting to offend the Islamic Ramadam ( Muslims around the world are fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, during which faithful followers abstain from eating or drinking during daylight hours... ). So that we can see again the well known Islamic fanaticism and intolerance at work here!...then its easy to see what is gonna happen next, when the Islamic world, in the years to come, at today's expansion rate, will dominate the masses....WARNING..red flag! Pagans!

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Whatever I post write I like to prove it.Here is the link for the above news that forgat.If you want to have a scientific discussion about religions do not post personal thoughts of how it should be since the cosmopolitan revealed religions have been crystalized (they are unchangable). http://www.christiannewstoday.com/Christian_News_Report_300.html
I figure we have 20 or 30 years here in the US (if we're lucky). Canada may fair better for awhile longer. But yes, I see a dark time looming again. Of course we still have options at this point. We need make our voices heard. Start by debunking the negative image that the fiction of books and movies have put this image of a bunch of either scared little girls or evil souled creatures out to destroy mankind. At this point you maybe saying to yourself "who is this guy kidding", believe me when I tell you that the "Faithful" believe because their clergy tell them the same thing.
We need to start changing are public persona. Even the general public sees Pagans and Wiccans as a bunch of kids who wear dark clothes and makeup. Sorry I'm not trying to be offensive to those of you who have chosen to effect that style. The general public has a myopic view. So those of us who are more main stream and have the chance to get out our message need to start doing so. Let John Q public see us and our rites as just another religion. We are already hated by the Catholics and Muslims. Lets not add to the list. Lets be seen as a positive force in this world.
Yes David,
I will be really short here, cause the issue here requires many pages...

There is absolutely a need for an united Neopagan-Pagan movement, that in the respect of personal ideological differentiations can represent our multiform Pagan credo. I believe that the most important point to underline is : an acknowledgment of what Paganism was and is, especially pointing to the Pagan roots of our main traditions and major religions of the world. So that the masses can really see that our Pagan roots are not a speculative puzzle or a Da Vinci code mystery, but historical proved real facts. Re-discovering the forgotten roots, people will realize the importance of ancient Paganism and implications in the building of modern culture and society.
This acknowledgement has little to do with the way Pagans are dressing. Whether I personally believe that dressing dark clothes & make up is an extreme way to reinforce your connection with the hidden magical principle within, it is surely helpful not to dress or act in a fancy extreme way, in order to start a "reconciliation" with the non-Pagan world. Unfortunately I cannot force my fellow Neopagans souls to change their habits, but maybe a little moderation and discretion will be helpful in order to reach our goal...
Our first goal will be that at least man of good will, that are not Pagans, in discovering their roots will start the process of re-integrate theirselves with a new consciousness, reaching a new spiritual position, that implies a new positive approach to Paganism and hopefully a re-conversion to Paganism itself.

Meanwhile I'm starting to promote, as you can see through my postings and vision, a campaign of revision of the Pagan material from antiquity to modern times. That's why I believe that the Greco-Roman pagan world, that represented at his time all the Pagan traditions of the past, needs to be the our secure base of the new revisited Neopaganism of modern times.

I need the help of the fellow here. This is why I think being really important to feel the call from the Gods ( The high energies ), a call to all of us. A call to create among us a stronger discipline and a new perception of our duty, especially thinking of the danger that differentiates challenges are posing our planet, which are not just Global Warming or Islam!...
Then I invite you ALL to ponder better personal behavior and costumes in your everyday life. We don't need to give up our freedom, but we need to harmonize ourselves with patience but with steadiness to this new "global village".

I extend this invitation especially to all of you that are blaming me with superficiality to be an intolerant rude man: I repeat that I'm not a yes man, nor a submissive guide.
I'm here to accomplish the duty of re-establish the forgotten link to the central altar of the temple of Truth.
You are absolutely right.We Pagans have to point out the Pagan roots of the cosmopolitan religions(Judeo-christian-islam). The pagans of the world must unite (unity in power) and to ask for religious liberties in the countries they live in.It is well known that the first and most basic right of a person is that of religious freedom. This can only be truly respected in one case: When there is true and complete separation of Church and State.The E.U. is required to declare that it respects religious freedom (not only declarations on paper).The U.S.A. is armed with such a categorical stature (which is accompanied by Thomas Jefferson’s interpretation: ‘The first amendment means that between the State and the Church - for the benefit of both - there has to be a wall’) has in the end fallen victim to Christian fundamentalism, then imagine how much additional fortification the liberal state demands to remain safe! As for the other theocratic ruled countries have a long way to go.
one of old man in my birth place told me onething when i ask him[he was a brammon]you eat and drink with me and you pass a long time inside the crop fields but your socity people[hinduism] dose not like that what you think.he said what you want about religion or what it means.i told him peace than he told if you want that you just need to respect yours and others and no one against you.if that it just you.now when i saw zakir nayke fight for stublished islamic rules or something i dont fell good because i think he try to destory islam.because a real or strong things dont need to any coments or fight against others.now what about you founder.where you see the red flag.my memories told me you know about the sufiism is this the learning to talk about like that.your voice is like zakir nayke.for your information personally i am one of victim of muslim rules i suffer a lot from them in my own town but i am not interested to talk like that because i know they are not islam they are just some gye some stupid people .they dont respect anything or anyone and they dont belive anything they just need to fight and for that they need enamy.
I bet that you are suffering from Muslim intolerance and more!!

I try to reply to your poor english...
I don't know about zakir and my voice and thought are NOT zakir. I'm not a Muslim fanatic nor a follower of Mohammed, I'm a fellow Pagan descending from a chain of Mithraists masters.
Mithraism includes all aspect of spiritual and physical life, to create a balance among them. Your fearful and passive analysis of the zakir case speaks for itself and suggest that you are surely guilty at my eye of be a cowdard. I repeat that personal interpretations are out of context in front of all the evidences we have. We cannot use temperance and ethics when we are in front of a series of criminal acts against human beings. What is also worst is that ISLAM SHARES AMONG THE VAST MAJORITY OF HIS ACCOLADE THIS VISION OF FANATICISM AND MORE....
SO that as threat for everybody, Islam is a religion that needs to be re-written cause became a fake philosophical system of fanaticism, intolerance and mental abuse.
I will fight for my freedom. My freedom is one of the most important thing in life. That's why I suggest as a first option to initiate a congress with all the spiritual leaders of west and east, in order to separate first the Islamic fighters from the pacifist. And then to re-write the Koran interpretation at the light of wisdom and with the perspective of a modern society. A society that cannot put in prison a women for drinking a beer or to kill another that uses a mini skirt! Obviously these new rules for a new Islam needs to be ruled in all the Islamic countries...
Now if you are against that, I feel that you are a fan of Bin Laden. For me even a non-action or not acknowledgement of the happenings can makes you responsible in front of your consciousness and the Gods!
you are wrong with me.do you see anybody here from bangladesh.answer is no because its impossible.because i know very well about my people and i hate world politics.when i found this site you cant imagine i found two big wings in my back because i need to to i need to share i need to know something like that and i think this is my freedom.i study a long time and even now about god and godess from hinduism.sometimes eygptian.and i pray my own way.may be that is not organized but there is no way to learn anyone in my side but i still do that.so whati have no friends i have no company.but i dont try to fight anyone.founder i am just trying to say you that your disscation should be about spiritual thoghts.i am not against your disscation i am just telling why this topics is here.dont mind for an example when i am in school[st.pauls high school]i saw one of ittalian father stublished that school and for that school our village came to be a great change and for that i think i am here now as a university student.that father dont leve us he is still here and he dont go back to ittaly.for his love personally i go a long time to the church.my family dont like that even my friends.but i know i dont go their for christ.onley for respect that mani think he is a man of peace and power of love who can change something.i am here the same reson to see and know something different from my family or my souroundings.not politics.thats it.
may be you can here that name his name[ father marino rigon]
onething zakir means.dr.zakir nayke he came to be very famous for islamic thoghts and most of talks.now he is availe availe in media.i saw one of his video in this site.thank you.
Sincerely I do not understand what is your point?... Why I'm wrong??... It seems that in this community I'm always wrong!! Do I need to say "yes" to all just to please your Ego?...I say what I say, nothing is wrong with that...a "messenger" is not perfect, as he is incarnated in a human body, but cannot be wrong as you said and imply!

I believe that you need to read the life of ancient Pagan thinkers like Plato, that were complete beings: philosophers, athletes, fighters, pacifists...
It is a quite different model of a Hinduism popular "lunar" version. I mean passive-lunar for the philosophical perspective of the meditative aspect versus the active-meditative Greco-Roman model.

What you call fight is for me an analysis of third parties thoughts, so that I'm not scared and don't refuse to confront myself with others.

In the case of this topic, I believe that personal perspectives needs to be abbandoned in front of what is happening in Islam ( not just in Islam by the way... ).
When we are in front of banishment of personal basic human rights we need to act, it is not time to indulge in philosophical ethical principles....

If you like, I will recommend you of reading Neoplatonism, to have a better idea of my personal orientation, before to reach imprecise conjectures on me and my behavior and to blame me....
my point is dont fight or blame others.it cant takes anything myselfs or others i belive that.honestely i am first of my country who try to make a group of pagan.i gave this site adress of two sinior sister in my university because they like me and interested about that.for that and for me i need to know more about that.in 1980 one of foreign women came to our village she was a christan but she is diferent of others stupid christan.i liked her way of teaching.she was mother ritasha.founder i just says you are wrong with me,i am not saying you are wrong.dont blame me i am not enough strong about spritual thoghts but i belive and trying to learn because i am tired and want to peace and free.if you want to help me tell me how can i start or give me a guide line .good night.
This concept of fight and the use of power is not a simple matter to discuss.
Fight not necessarily imply brutality or intolerance...

Furthermore the point is not to fight or not to fight. You need to fight when the other options failed. Surely a genuine Bodhisatva doesn't have to fight, cause he already passed the limits of human nature to embrace his divine part. However every master, even of the most high rank, they can "fight" or act violently. We know that from famous excerpts from life of Masters-Messiahs: like Jesus, when He's dealing with the temple merchants in Jerusalem or like Shirdi Baba, a curious hyper puzzling figure of an Avatar-Guru part Muslim part Hindu that was really easy to be enraged, close or even prone to be physical at the time.
Or we can see in the legendary life of Rama his fight against the Asura Ravana. Rama fighted with courage and passion, even if He was a deity! Whether Rama can be a legendary figure, the lesson still: we need to fight sometimes in our life. Life is a challenge that needs to be confronted.

In the case you are a follower of Buddha, you need to balance your "lunar" approach to the divine plan. That's why I don't believe neither recommend for us to cut all our responsabilities regarding our human incarnation. There is nothin' wrong in fighting for what you believe being right. Now another issue is to examine what "fight" is and the degrees of this.
In my perspective, "fight" means a resolute action made with a degree of strenght. It doesn't necessarily imply an act of violence or war... it just can imply a "solar" action. That's why "fighting" can be also a magic act or an act of discriminative will
empowered by a direct will in order to reach a goal...
Brother, keep a low profile in your country,for your safety.Maybe you should name your group something like philosophic inquiry,and start reading Plutarch,Orphic texts,Plato and others.It will arm you with knowledge to support your cause.Then you will realize the Pagan (Platonic)roots of the Islamic-sufi philosophy.Much of the Pagan books were translated by the Arab scholars."War is the father and king of all: some he has made gods, and some men; some slaves and some free" "Where there is no strife there is decay: The mixture which is not shaken decomposes".Quote from Heraclitus,(540-475 BC)
the name of my group is promitheus.and i write a story [the birth of promitheus].when i publishe it i will send you.i published a wall magazine in my collage in three times but i cant continue.some students destory it and our principle told me to dont publish it again.i will send you thats magazine pictures when i return in my house[after one month]


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