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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!



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well 1. we are different from them in a few ways we are unnatural to them
2. their religion says we are and people can be so blinded by faith sometimes
3. people aren't open minded that is the big one they can't accept things that are strange to them and they hate things like that
4. rumors another big one people go by what they hear and even if they did accept us before rumors can corrupt how they think
5. bad witches like a few people I know had some run ins with hexes and were hurt by them so they generalize anyone who has the potential to do that to them as bad which leads to the last one
6. fear people fear what witches can do and believe what they see in tv shows and movies or read in books like us shooting fireballs at them for no reason or turning them into frogs if they displease us (btw try scaring some idiots by saying you will turn them into a frog HILARIOUS)
hope that helps some
I think its because for the most part, witches have been portrayed as bad, mean, evil and ugly. People have been programmed to see us this way. Ignorance breeds hate. Also, as Lord Wintermoon pointed out, Their faith, in particular, the Bible says,"suffer a witch not to live"....Pretty self explanitory.
its because they think of witches as the cartoon witches that you would see on scuby doo or something, and think that we're all out to kill them so they want us all gone.
yes what the others have said is so true...yet there is hope. Back when I found my way on The Path I was no more than 12 and of course through my ignorance and pride I opend my big mouth at school (mind you this is grade-school I speek of) and by lunch I was surrounded by a mob of kids chanting "...burn the witch,burn the witch..." as some of them were throwing light matches at me, and at least 1 kid striking a lighter(watch it with the old jokes now). I wont bore every one with the rest of what was a hard lesson for me. My point is that my daughter did the same thing...at the same age...same grade(not the same school) and did not have to suffer any such indignaty. As a matter of fact she told me that a couple of kids that never realy talked to her befor came up and asked her more about being a witch. Education on unfamiliar things is the way of the wise...swallowing propaganda hook-line-and sincker, is the way of the masses...may the masses be out number by the wise some day...Blessed Be
Alexandra Iris said:
yes what the others have said is so true...yet there is hope. Back when I found my way on The Path I was no more than 12 and of course through my ignorance and pride I opend my big mouth at school (mind you this is grade-school I speek of) and by lunch I was surrounded by a mob of kids chanting "...burn the witch,burn the witch..." as some of them were throwing light matches at me, and at least 1 kid striking a lighter(watch it with the old jokes now). I wont bore every one with the rest of what was a hard lesson for me. My point is that my daughter did the same thing...at the same age...same grade(not the same school) and did not have to suffer any such indignaty. As a matter of fact she told me that a couple of kids that never realy talked to her befor came up and asked her more about being a witch. Education on unfamiliar things is the way of the wise...swallowing propaganda hook-line-and sincker, is the way of the masses...may the masses be out number by the wise some day...Blessed Be

uggghhh... how cruel...
Well, why do people generalize Satanists as worshipers of Satan?
One, it's a sort of commonplace "definition", if you will, that's been supported by stereotypical literature and other media.
Two, some witches ARE bad people, and sadly when people run into these people (possibly backed by reason 1) they jump to the conclusion that they are bad people because they are witches and/or that all witches are this way.

People are stereotypical and they judge without knowledge. I would go so far as to make the claim that almost everyone does so, in some way or another.
Must you ask luv... :o) Two answers... Hollywood and mainstream Christianity. That's why. I've dealt with both honest and sarcastic questions for years. Don't worry. People don't change.

Brightest Blessings,

Jinkn :o)
>>I believe that the reason Pagans are demonized by Christians is that Christians are taught that anyone who isn't one of them can't be moral of charitable or kind or caring.
I dunno, they never taught me that one in Bible school...
They DID teach that anyone who didn't follow God was following Satan, whether they knew it or not. That might make more sense.

Donna said:
The majority of child molesters are white, Christian males but that doesn't stigmatize all white Christian males. so why are all Pagans thought of as Satanists because a few people worship Satan? So, your theory that "most people" think PAgans are bad epople because a few actually are doesn't hold water. I believe that the reason Pagans are demonized by Christians is that Christians are taught that anyone who isn't one of them can't be moral of charitable or kind or caring. Not only that but the perception of Pagans as evil is peculiar to Westernized and primarily Christian societies. So, it's pretty clear that our problems with public relations has been engineered by a very politicized Christian majority.

Taylor said:
Well, why do people generalize Satanists as worshipers of Satan?
One, it's a sort of commonplace "definition", if you will, that's been supported by stereotypical literature and other media.
Two, some witches ARE bad people, and sadly when people run into these people (possibly backed by reason 1) they jump to the conclusion that they are bad people because they are witches and/or that all witches are this way.

People are stereotypical and they judge without knowledge. I would go so far as to make the claim that almost everyone does so, in some way or another.
well its hard to undo what centuries of teachings have taught people to believe. It will probably take centuries to undo the damage that the earlier and present Christians teach. May be wiccan pagans and people of the old ways will be seen as we were in the days of old. not as evil but as healers, mid wives and equal to the rest.
Probably because they feel threatened just as witches feel threatened by christians. I just read a forum on here with a jaded view of christianity from the commentors.

It goes both ways. We all base too much of our opinions on stereotypes.

Plus, it's just semantics. We changed the definition of witch to mean a bad person during the witch burnings. So, most people call themselves something else now. It's kind of like how I want to change the word for God because we all have too much baggage associated with the word.
to summerize in one word: IGNORANCE
i have read everybody responses & agree with them all. The organize religions such as catholism has really hurt the name "witch" extremely badly. No one seems to realize that witches were some of the very first doctors with their home remedies ...hence kitchen witch....witches were mid-wives.....counsolers & on & on. from reading the book celestine insights and all the other things i have read people are very afraid of th unlnown they consider witches, druids, pagans all unknown & unable then to have control of anything or anybody ....People are afraid of hearing the fact that you don't need anybody but your self, with your soul & your own spiritual connection. Most people hav to have that mind se that you can't be spiritual with out having someone guide you such as a minister, priest ...etc....we just have to keep being who we are and everyone who disapproves they can bite me


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