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so what do you think of the church of satan and thare way of magic

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Im sorry if this offends anyone because everyone is entitled to their beliefs but I dont think its a good idea unless you've looked into it properly and fully understand it, it's not something I'd want to look into but I know some people who have - one woman I knew tried to dabble in magik involving Satan and ended up being terrorised by a dark spirit, last I heard of her was that she'd moved (basically thinking she could escape it) gave up all her books and equipment on it etc, but hasnt really been heard from or seen since :/ which is a little worrying. She changed from a bubbly happy woman to a terrified, haunted one.

However there probably are some lighter sides to religions following Satan, I suppose it just depends on how you look at it.

it is good to understand that SATAN is a CHRISTIAN belief nothing to do with us ...something the christian invented to scare pagans many centuries ago, so sad that it has followers ,....if only they knew....



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