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In the name and defense of our ancient Paganic precious right to freedom and since Islam has proven to be a dangerous faith for freedom lovers & thinkers, it's about time for a deep examination of what is really now Islam and how it's interpreted today by the Islamic masses.

I think that we are bothered enough by these repetitive acts of murder in the name of Allah in every part of this world.
These acts are NOT made just by extremists or terrorists, but also by normal people as shown often in past discussions in this community.

I feel that it's about time to call for a "clarifying" planetary summit.
A summit that will include Western leaders of all types (religious-political-philosophers..) with similar Muslim "legitimate" leaders of East and Middle East. So that together they can clarify, point after point, WHAT IS really Islam and WHAT IS NOT Islam today.
Then we will produce all the elements to create a new complete "official"revision of Islam.

GOAL of the summit: The main goal is to hopefully erase from Islam everything that has to do with intolerance of any kind which leads to violent acts in the name of Allah, bringing back this religion to its ancient wisdom plus a revised contemporary doctrine, that can hopefully better harmonize Islam with the rest of the non-Islamic world...

RESULTS: Finally we will also understand clearly who is really pro "Bin Laden style", plus we will separate fanatics from moderates by identifying them.
So that in a large scale view of Islam, we will see without confusion all the nations that are covering or sympathizing with terrorism, fanaticism versus the ones that are for a more moderate exploitation of the Islamic faith...

Next it is my intention to write a letter for President Obama to create this summit.

I'd like to know your thoughts at this regard and if you like the idea to write and send this letter.

ps. Note that I said "revision" of Islam and not to erase this old religion..I don't want to be misinterpreted here...

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if peace is just a word than i agree with you.see the history of islam and chirstianity,its nothing but a political race.look at the quran and bibel,god blame many civilization and destory them for their sin.but in history i saw those civilization was raised with very rich culture and science.i dont found any sin in that civilization.if you need i can tell you that chapters of holy books.[ada,samud luth,babylon, many civilization destory by the god] why.because they are growing with their spritiuality and strong.they destory our multi natural culture.

When a messiah or a master talks then the disciples intends the pristine message a lil slight different from the messiah-master original teaching. After that, the disciples of the disciples starts to add some lil personal "touch" to the master pristine message....and so on.
At the end of this process, through centuries of "natural" manipulations, the original message of the master got completely or partially re-interpreted and in many case completely changed. This happened to Judaism, Christianism and Islam.
The spiritual guides, priests and monks of major religions are today using their "powers" just merely to control people in order to dominate and lucrate.

As an example, Islamic terrorism in particular is getting advantage, among others, from the doctrinal strong call to martyrdom which is another gratuitous and ignorant interpretation of the afterlife reward as described in the Quran.

Obviously terrorizing people inside their own countries, Islamic obtuse intolerance and terrorism are really welcomed by their leaders and clerics, as they can be another powerful tool to keep the enormous masses under control, in this case with fear.

I am always scared from any kind of "revealed religion" since the nature of this revelation is uncertain, relative, obscure and the interpretation can greatly vary and can be easily manipulated and used as a violent tool of mind control... exactly as used today.

At the end of this mess there is the triumph of bloody ignorance...

Let's deal with secondary, important but secondary, issues later...

I heard many attempt from Islamic folks, as your Pakistani friend, to accuse Christianity, Judaism and etc... this is partially true but serve only the purpose of distracting and fooling you. I acknowledege that modern Christianity embeds the seeds of intolerance and had a bloody past, with Roman church inquisition and more...However today Christianism is not a threat like Islam is for all of us, and has changed her rules and intolerant behavior from the times of Inquisition!!

I will return then to the first major challenge that needs to have priority among all the secondary challenges: the Islamic threat.

The biggest first problem we encounter at this regard is the falsification and manipulation of the true nature of Islam. This "falsification" was made by the fanatical rulers of Islam in order to control the Islamic masses. Not only that but also to increase their personal power and financial wealth on the shoulders of the masses that are becoming more poor... This is happening also, in a political way, in other parts of the world, like in Latin America ( see Chavez ). And if I want to be a "clever" thinker even in our western world, which is heavily controlled by a repressive establishment.

However, without being lost in political, economical and ideological worldwide issues, the first priority is to fight the religious distortion in Islam. Then as I said we can follow with Christianity and Jewish.

Let's try to be focused and we can be hopefully successful.
I like to add a clarification, even if I always clearly expressed my thoughts at this regard: the Islamic problem is not just Terrorism, as many "enlightened" people seems to think. This is totally WRONG!! Terrorism is just a consequence of a crazy intolerant manipulated doctrine!
In fact the real core of the Islamic problem lies in the distortion of the Islamic message, that as a logical consequence creates intolerance and then terrorism.
Again this is related to the distorted interpretative perspective of modern Islam. This distortion happened from ancient times through today with the enthusiastic "blessing" of the Islamic leader, spiritual and political.

We cannot fight integralism and terrorism if we don't change the "distorted interpretative perspective" at the doctrinal core of modern Islam. This is why a dedicated summit it's urgently needed. The Muslim masses needs to know about this WRONG perspective!
Then a summit well thought and directed can do much better of many armies in this case.

Islam needs to be revised by a chosen team of experts, from west and east, that needs to erase from this religion every seed of intolerance and integralism, to restore Islam and to make it a trustable and pacific religion for a modern world. A religion that will help people to reach an higher status of spiritual awareness instead of inviting people to using guns and weapons of mass destruction...

It is also understood that all the intolerant Islamic teachers and spiritual leader needs to be removed. I'm sure that are many good Muslims that are waiting for this...
Look at this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100114/wl_afp/attacksyemenusqaeda_201...

Here we are again! : Yemen clerics urge jihad (Holy war!..."can a war be holy?"...hmmm) in case of foreign military intervention in Yemen.

This is a typical modern Islamic way of handling a problem!

Now besides the obvious right of Yemen to protect itself from an eventual military attack, I do not understand why the religious leader needs to add that Islam, meaning the Koranic law, obliges all the Muslims to Jihad or Holy War?!! Here we can see again the absurd and gratuitous interpretation of the Koran and a misuse of a religion!... What in the hell Koran has to do with war??

Can these Leaders, in a serious planetary dedicated summit away from a mosquee, explain and justify to the world this "medieval" concept of HOLY WAR today in the year 2010?... I have then to assume that this "Holy war" is always in the back of modern Islam. If this is true ( and yes is true!... ) then even Islamic terrorism is legitimated in the name of Allah for a Jihad!
Furthermore this mean, unfortunately, that the whole Islamic masses are penetrated by the same vision, which is imposed by their political and spiritual leaders... this is why we need a summit immediately to clarify, unmask these blind and fanatical thinkers and stop once for all the trend!
We can easily see that here is at work the same seed and concept of a distorted and "manipulated at art" interpretation of the Koran. Same distortion that at a more deep level creates the plague of Islamic terrorism...

How come it is possible that Western world doesn't understand that is there where the real problem lie?

This is one of the big lies to the Muslim masses from their leaders and THIS is what needs to be eradicated from Islam among other issues.

Im my humble opinion in reality is not difficult to address these blatant issues with a dedicate summit. Always if we are talking about man of free mind and wise will!

Also a dedicated summit can at least probably show us which country will support the needed changes and revision of these absurd Islam, and which country will not. Probably we will achieve the result of separate "good Islam" from "bad Islam" and to start the process of an analytical revision for the Muslims itself... even if this summit will fail, at least finally we will get rid of all the misunderstandings-misconceptions about the WHOLE modern Islam and we will face the real threat, seeing the real essence of a major religion that is not just through terrorism menacing our life and our interests everyday!

It probably will take an effort for the Islamic masses to rethink about their perspectives that are badly directed...but the final result will be the restore of Islam to the primeval spiritual high level rank.
You know it Founder Jihad is one of the five tenets of Islam. That’s how the monotheistic religions were spread by sword and fire over the pagan bodies and temples. The world leaders are supporting Islam so that at the end will appear as messiahs and saviors of humanity. Its part of the one world government. The plan is to eliminate much of the world's population with wars, biological warfare, artificially produced earth quakes (HAARP) and many other. But there is always the goddess of retribution Nemesis, Gaia will balance herself. Here a prophecy for the world tyrans, from the great sage Lao-Tzu. "Do you think you can take over the universe and improve it? I do not believe it can be done. The universe is sacred. You cannot improve it. If you try to change it, you will ruin it. If you try to hold it, you will lose it". We as pagans should point to the people the absurdities, the contradictions and the fallacies of the revealed religions and its usurpation from the pagans, so they lose their reliability. Before anything else we need to study the monotheistic religions first.Its like a war that has been going on for 2000 years. A small opening to approach Muslims is the Sufis, since Islam has been crystallized.
Dear Andonis,

I agree.

A lot of people ignore the course of history and they do not know about our common past Pagans ancestors and history.

We also do know how Islam through the time imposed their religion, most of the time with fanatical violence and massacres.
Today we live in a worldwide global village that cannot afford to handle a Major religion that remained anchored to a wild and violent medieval model to say the least!....Consequently the world needs to know with adamant clarity about the nature and direction of contemporary Islam, before to admit a blasphemy that invite people to suicide theirselves or to kill innocent people in the name of Allah!

As you can see from my previous posts I'm a big fan of Sufism, intended as the vision of Jalaludin Rumi style alike....but Rumi times are long gone and with them the dream of Sufism and a pure Islam!

Now I cannot stress out the needs of this summit regarding this big mess of modern Islam...

Regarding Paganism, as you pointed out, we know that was the matrix of all religions, revealed or not.

Unfortunately, here again, a lot of ignorants and charlatans worked hard for a creation of a fake Paganism, plus as we well know Christianism did the rest starting with the fall of the Roman Empire and deliberately destruction of Pagans roots and persecution of Paganism in general....
I agree with you founder Jalaludin Rumi is my favorite too. While in New York I was in a Sufi brotherhood.Jerahi order, they gave a performance at the cathedral of Saint John I recorded that ceremony. Bygone are the days when the Muslims performed in a Christian church. And also I see that some fellow pagans in this group are half pagans and half monotheists. We both realize that are too conflicting. Imagine what we are going to face. The fanatics don't even hesitate to stone to death even their own daughters. The videos I have been wathcing made me lose my sleep and peace of mind. Its madness

I'm sure, unfortunately, that you won't be the only one that will lose his sleep if Islam will control the world!!

However as you can see from the few posting of this community at this regard our fellow Pagan friends seems not to care for this issue, which is instead of the maximum interest for all of us that loves freedom, as Pagans do!
Many of the Pagans here seems irritated by my postings on Islam, as if this seems to be an issue unrelated with Pagans interests!... They DO NOT understand that this Islamic issue will mean another catastrophic event for Paganism!!

Reality check: Islam will be soon, really soon, the first major religion of the world, preparing to control the Earth in the next future. This will be an immense threat to all of us!!

Look at this news from Malaysia, a nation that Muslims wants badly to control: The Muslims are now vandalizing the Christians churches cause the Malyasian Christians are using the term Allah, which instead is for the Muslims considered as their own private property!!?? Incredible, another blatant bullshit that shows the real arrogant and intolerant aspect of this tirannical faith! Do we need more?...More will follow if we don't stop this Islamic trend....this is why we need a dedicated summit....

Here's another new criminal act from the Islamic world: A young female of 16 was killed, buried alive, by a Turkish Muslim family to save the honor!!??...
Wow!... if these Muslims did that to a member of their own family think what they can do to...you!

At this point any comment is just a waste of time...once again a summit among Western world and Islam is required!
The Gods are hearing me...


Everybody, not just "us", can be indiscriminately a target of extremism and Islam propaganda!...regarding this being a wasting of time I don't think so...furthermore I disagree with you completely in all your remarks...

We need to fight idiocy and ignorance at any costs, especially in front of this Islamic idiotic and violent behavior. We need to act now before they will take care in the future of our freedom. Let's open then the "can of worms" if it's necessary!!


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