Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

For the past week or so I've been seeing a transparent wolf. She's been following me around. Some other wiccans in my area told me that I should follow it and let it into my heart so I can hear what she's been trying to say. She hasn't told me anything that important yet and I can't follow her cause she follows me. One person told me that she might be my guardian, like a guardian angle or something. She doesn't seen like a threat, she has growled at me once or twice, but the other times she's gentle and caring. What do you think it means??

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Look into Animal totems. They are like angels except they dont come from the divine they are sent by the earth to protect you. Currently I have a wolf and a Owl.
Donna said:
Your spirit guide perhaps? Does she seem familiar? Like a mother at all?

Honestly I feel like I have met her before but I can't be sure. When I'm depressed she'll comfort me so I guess she's mother like
it sounds to me that you'r animal spirit guide is trying to comunicate with you.don't be afraid of her,everyone has spirit guides
and they come to you when they feel you are ready, it sounds like she's trying to get you'r attention if she's growled at you.just be patient in time you'll know what she's trying to get across.to communiate with you'r spirit guide(meditation)
is the key.find a quiet place thats comfortable and close the blinds so the room is dim light a candle and think of her
and picture her in you'r mind and being able to speak to her, then very gently and with great respect for her ask her
what it is she's been trying to tell you.don't get discouraged if it doesn't work at first this is something that takes time.
sometimes a spirit guide will show them sevles to you and if the person doesn't pay close attention it may leave and
wait until you are further ready,and there will be times others who aren't you'r chosen spirit guides will come thats
because you may be going throught a time when only they can be of assistance.each animal spirit guide is like a symbol
of a certain meaning.and we are predestined to have at least one that is chosen for us even before we're born.but they all
come to us if needed.just keep trying to speak to her,you'll be able to in time.
blessed be
let her show you the path that she needs you to be on. the things may seem odd at first but i believe that there is a reason for you seeing thisguide.


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