Regarding my vision, I like to say that I'm ideally embracing and trying to reactivate the ancient Roman Paganism dream, which was the liberal profession of exercising a cult among differentiations.
Which means just FREEDOM of choice!! A forgotten word for many of the fundamentalist religions of today!
By Roman Paganism I mean including all the cults that were spread out through the immense ancient Roman Empire, including all the Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Babylonians and etc.
As we know all the major cults of antiquity were ideally represented in the Roman Pantheon.
Furthermore Roman Magic was the original matrix of Modern Wicca as for Leland and Gardner visions.
One of the point more debated about my "vision" of modern Paganism is the general unwelcome concept by a lot of modern Pagans about the needs for a Pagan guidance. A guidance in the hands of a person, as a Pontifex Maximus ( Leader or Messiah, or a Priestess if you like... )...
I can superficially sympathize with that skepticism, even agree partially that a needs of a kind of a Pagan Mondial Leader can be a thing not in tune with the essence of Paganism... but I can argue that one of the weakest point of Paganism was about his fragmentation in many differentiate cults! After all I sincerely believe instead that an expert and wise ( hopefully ) guidance is absolutely needed, with a legitimate structure on the back that will establish modern Paganism as a real legitimate public entity with a tangible role in our society.
In becoming a unified entity, among obvious differentiations within the different cults, our voice through this new Pagan committee can be heard finally by all, getting surely a much more strong impact on the media and masses.
This committee will be the one in charge of electing a Leader ( similar to a Democratic style, this leader can be elected through voting, for a fixed amount of years each time, in perpetual change ), that with the help of a kind of Pagan Senate ( do you remember Rome?... ), can direct the all Neopagan modern movement!...
This implies evidently a strong effort for the Pagans to become, I will say FINALLY after centuries of solitary cults attempts, an ensemble that can trespass personal goals and interests for the good of the entire Pagan community...
Paganism strongly needs to erase the errors of our ancestors that were underestimating the value of unity, to become finally a powerful center instead to be fragmented into millions of little spread out cults...
Regarding my personal call to ask for a clarification from the Major Religions about their real goals and nature, I like to add that nothing is more far from the truth of my real intentions to be considered as an antagonist or to worst an enemy of millions of non-Pagan people...
I respect Islam, Christianism, Judaism and any other religion of the Planet.
What I don't accept is the fundamentalism embedded in them. If Islam will remove his intolerance and fundamentalism, I will be the first one to enter, if they let me, the mosque to pray with them.
So needs to be really clear that I'm not in any way against people that profess a different Credo from mine. In fact, in being a proud son of the libertine ancient Rome, I totally believe that people need to be free to choose and practice their own religion or cult.
But I know also that Religions are mainly just a way or path to lead us to a spiritual achievement through a self sublimation of the soul, and like personal paths, whether different can be, none of them can claim or can be seen as the ONLY one or worst the "chosen" one!
Which translated means: that NOBODY has or can claim in this world the monopoly of truth.... NOBODY!!
That's what I believe and I will fight for...
...a new world of peace among differentiations, whether it's gonna be dominated by Pagans or not!