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Short and sweet, I would like to talk to anyone, man or woman who has had this experience and values it. What do you find most pleasing about it what do you find is difficult?
Blessed Be

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Hey, there. Yes I'm a practicing witch. I live in Elizabeth City, N.C. . Most witches around here are solitaries, too. Some try to get together for the holy days. I'm trying to find others near to where I live to get together to exchange information and such. That seems to be the hard part. A former "leader" who has lived in the area did major damage to our wiccan community. They are no longer respected nor trusted by many. What I like about being a solitary, is that I don't have to follow any one type of wicca, nor do I have to be someone's "student". I have some across other solitaries, and have found myself in an elder position. I gather all types of reference information, for myself and others. I also keep large quantities of herbs and such on hand, as I do wise woman workings. I officially came out of "the broom closet" two years ago, when I was interviewed by the local paper. I was tired of some people freaking out when noticing my small pentacle on my neck chain. Let me know what info you're looking for and I'll be glad to pass it on to you.
Blessed Be To All
Hello there I am a practicing solitary, I do not find it difficult at all..I have found a teacher close by-and when I have questions I go to her..Here where I live (In the Bible Belt) there aren't many people to talk to...People stay away from me and I like it that way. It does however get lonly at times.I am so thankful I found this sight..The most pleasing thing I can say about being a solitary is that whatever time day or night that I feel I need to be in nature I go..No waiting on anyone or anything..I find it refreshing and calming to be able to be that way..
I think I've found an excellent balance, being a solitary member of a tradition. I practice as a solitary, but I am happy to be welcome to join my community for the Sabbats, to celebrate and enjoy other pagans in my area. I don't have any difficulties with it, since the people I would most like to coven with live in another state, so I have to simply enjoy my connections to the spiritual in my own home.
I am solitary.
I find being solitary with my husband, who is similar in spirit. At least he understands what I am doing, honoring, invoking, or whatever, and he has bought a fair amount of my tools.........my priestess went to live in New Orleans, and I still see her often.
I practice every day...What else is there?...When you are surrounded by christians all your life there is so much light that it blinds one...In order to preserve the Darkness one must practice one's beliefs neverending...Most pleasing?...Knowing that I am doing my part to keep the faith alive...Knowing that I am doing all I can to preserve the Darkness for the future...Difficult?...Nowadays with all that is going on in this miserable world there is nothing difficult about showing love to one's beliefs...If one finds difficulty in practicing one's religious beliefs then I say you are surrounded by those that seek to do you harm and fear you...There is no difficulty in expressing one's thoughts and beliefs, unless one is not completely sure of those beliefs...Then there is a difficulty...Seek not to justify yourself to others and continue to practice every day...No matter how small a task or thing it may be...Praise the Darkness from which you were wrought...Burn a candle in Darkness' honor...Do what you will, but do one small thing every day, if only to thank the Darkness for your existance, for without it we may all be in peril...Happy Practicing!...Blessed BE...DW
I have been practicing for over 20 years now and I prefer being solitary to being part of a coven or under a mentor. I was under a mentor for my first 10 years of study and found it was restrictive. Regardless of what the coven or mentor MAY say in their introduction to their little group, they will try and force their path on you, declare certain books/ideas/etc. "off limits" because its outside their group's workings, and generally try to mold or shape you into a carbon copy of every other witch in the coven - OR themselves. There is far too much hierarchy and political bullshit in covens and mentored groups which is why I dislike them and advise anyone who comes to me for magickal guidance of what to expect if they join one. Sure, they're promoted as "Pagan families" but over my many years on a Pagan path, I have seen numersou covens and mentoring partnerships crumble due to infighting and drama when the teacher becomes more like a dictator.

I had lead a pagan group myself for over 5 years but made sure to not get caught up in the drama and head-trip of calling myself 'High Priestess.' Eash person in the group had their own special talents and we integrated many forms of magick contributed by each member and their separate unique paths into a workable magickal force but after our gatherings, we went our own ways without feeling confined to the group mentality. It was a freedom I wish ALL covens had. The learning that happened due to differences in contributing members made getting together all the more worthwhile.

I still prefer my solitary practice but also enjoy the occasional partnership. My mentor and I parted ways some 5 years ago because he wanted me to follow on his OTO and Thelemic-based path. Insults were thrown at me when I refused. Perhaps he saw a gifted student in me as he had said and praised on many occasions, but after reading recent writings of his, I am more inclined to think that it was a momentary lapse of judgement and a pretty grandiose Leo ego trip that prompted him to attack my choosing of MY path over being forced into following his.


I have incorporated a Taoistic discipline into my solitary beliefs, and rituals.........it is awesome. I like to study Taoism, or the "tao", meaning self=so.

Sy Calaelen said:
I practise on my own and so far I am loving it! There have been times when I have cast spells and they work, but in a small way, due to the fact that I get a nervous sometimes. At the moment I am really into I-Ching, Tarot and Crystal Divination and crystal magick. BB x
I find it easier to be myself and incorporate my ways in worshipping the Divine, but I also would like to have close friends like you would in a Coven, I mean you could get more in depth with learning with eachother. And from eachother different practices.
hi, i am! i am! anyway blessed be
Being a solitary witch gives you so much freedom, you can worship any gods you choose (some covens only allow you to worship certain ones) and you can worship as you please when you want and how you want. The only bad thing is that you sometimes feels lonely. The only people i know who also participate in the craft i only know from websites. My friend is part wicca but she knows even less than i do. so it is sometime inconvenient. The good thing is you don't have to worry about people staring at you while you dance around a circle... lol :)


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