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Do you think that being a pagan means you cant be a soldier and go to war? I want to know your views!

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Yes my Lady, and it sure is tragic that still,in some parts of America(i mean the US) it is against the law to practice divination/spell casting/etc...50 stars on our flag and they wont put one on the gravestone of a Wiccan soldier who died for this country...yet...*smiles patiently*

Lady Bronwyn said:
No, I don't think that you can't serve in the military because you are Pagan. My husband, a Wiccan, served in both the Navy and the National Guard. It has been estimated that we currently have over 2000 Pagans serving overseas.

Are you aware of the Pentacle Campaign?
I think they can, if they belive in what they are fighting for is right. What I think it messed up, is when you sign up to be a soldier, you cant NOT fight something, even if it is wrong, you are trapped in having to go against what you feel is right. I could never sign up for such a situation. Protection is one thing, and if your life is in severe danger, you must take the steps you need in order to survive, that is natural, but to HAVE to fight for something you dont believe in, I'm afriad I would end up AWOL, I just cant imagine doing it.

Tho, I couldn't go to war, I have never found a reason to so strong as to do that to even the earth, but it's exists, and I have to be open and thankful that there are people that will do it so that I dont have to.

Crazy world, this place.

I also cant judge one for their choices, I can choose to not be friends with them, or even so much as speak to them, but I must show a basic of human compassion.

Good question, good thoughts, blessed be
yes they did in the past so why not now the same

I'm, a retired soldier and I think that as long as one does not use magick to gain any advantage on the enemy one is fine with the rede.

When I was in the Army I was not a Wiccan though.


I realize this is an old question but I would like to weigh in..I am a recently medically discharged combat veteran. I was a catholic when i left for afghanistan and after a short period there I realized god did not exisist in the way I believed and beagan searching until I found my current path. I do not see why being pagan means you can't defend your country unless you personally do not wish to participate in war. If your comfortable in your path and it doesnt go against what you believe in then I believe you can be both. Being one led me to the other!!!!
Actually my boyfriend and his brother are Wiccan and in the military. I know there are issue because they could violate the "harm none" law but I believe that they're doing what they see as right in being a soldier. Actually I've been told they see being in the military as right and I hope the God and Goddess have no problem with them being soldiers. I've been told by both men they joined to help others which is what they've been doing since they've been overseas. So I see no issue with this at all.
personally im a warrior monk i study majutsu, it says to be decent and caring but it says nothing of nonviolence


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