Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Merry meet!
I'm new to the site, just now. I've been studying witchcraft/wicca for a short time, 6 months in to be exact. Was hoping to find others to chat with.

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Howdy, Azurra. I'm also new here and fairly new to paganism. What's a good time to chat? So far, there's been nobody home whenever I visit the chat room. The site looks interesting though. I'm sure as more folks join up things will get a might livelier.
Hello and welcome. I am new to the site but have been a solitary wiccan for a few years now.
Hi! I too am new to this site, but from what I can tell already, I am going to love it! I added you as a friend and would like to chat anytime.
Merry Meet ! I too am new to this site, but not to my path. I am a solitary eclectic Wiccan Witch. Feel free to message me anytime. -Be Blessed

Hi Jennifer:) I sent you a pic of me & my husband, That's the only pic I have that is updated. I've been practicing wicca since I was 16. I am now 36 & still learning. I do astrology, tarot, dreams, pendulum's & of course practice the craft:) I love it, keeps me in touch w/myself & the world around me. I just found this site the other day & I like it. Planning on staying here to meet others like myself. TTYS~ Holly....
I'm pretty much hit and miss on the internet...i have two children and a full time job...so whenever i get the chance i try to go online...i'm sure we will cross path's!

Blessed Be!

Scott said:
Howdy, Azurra. I'm also new here and fairly new to paganism. What's a good time to chat? So far, there's been nobody home whenever I visit the chat room. The site looks interesting though. I'm sure as more folks join up things will get a might livelier.
Hello and Merry Meet. I too am new to this site and hoping to find others to chat with. I have been studying and practicing wicca for several years now, mostly as a solitary witch.
I am new to this site but not to the Craft...I have been doing this for a long time and it just keeps on getting better every day...Course if you overlook the demeaning way people treat you and the fear you see in their eyes when they are forced to look you in the eye and actually talk to someone their mothers warned them about...Other than that it is very satisfying to know that they go to sleep every night in fear of that which stalks the night...Let them fear us!...it keeps them in their place and lets us practice what we belive in in private-as all good solitary witches should...Keep the faith my young friend...never stop believing in what you are and never stop practicing that which you believe...Even if it is only a small thing-Do it every day!...Blessed BE...And Welcome...DW


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