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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Hey all, I am new to the site, so greetings! Just a quick question. For a long time I was searching for spiritual guidance and have researched many religions/ways of life. I really started to question my christian beliefs and I was reading a lot about Christianity, Islam and Judaism. My view of a god or creator did not mesh with some of the violence present in these religions. I started to really think about them and just did not agree with some of the philosophies. No disrespect, I just started to see threw some of the ideas. I was doing a lot of research about Pagan religions and I find them fascinating and liked what I read about many pagan ways of life, ideas.

I see Nature as Sacred and a fingerprint from the creator. I hold all life with respect, (the plants, people, rivers, rocks, animals, etc) and believe we are connected spiritually. I have recently been thinking about what nature can teach one. I do believe everything alive has a soul, feelings, etc. I don't know how the define an afterlife. Life is supposed to be an adventure full of love, fun and joy. I can't imagine a creator sending people to eternal hellfire for not believing an ideology.I like to read a lot about different ideologies. I like a lot of Buddhist philosophies, but wouldn't call my self a Buddhist, because I do disagree with some ideas. Would there be any form of Paganism that goes along with my ideas. Or is it ok to just have one's path that does not need to be defined? I read a site that talked about Neo-Paganism and used a great quote that "many rivers lead to one source". I know Neo-Paganism is a broad term for many beliefs, but would there be one that goes along with my ideologies that I listed.

I feel good shedding some of these fears I had as a Christian. I was always afraid I was messing up, or would be punished, etc.I wanted to emancipate my self from mental slavery that I put on my self. No disrespect to Christianity or so, I just discovered it was not the path for me. Living in fear and division among people, in my opinion, is not how life should be lived. Life is a gift and it is the greatest gift. 

Thanks for reading

Bless up

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Want to be a Wiccan or a witch?
From what I read, you have interest in many religions ...
You can be an eclectic witch, that does not follow any particular religion, but you want to follow all religions at the same time.
I am a witch for a long time, and now I will give you some explanations.
Christianity is a false religion, has copied everything from the ancient pagan religions.
Did you know that the devil, is only the ancient pagan god of the sun, Pan ...?
and that all demons are actually ancient pagan gods??
The Hell is not real ... in fact, what Christians call " hell", is just the astral plane. After death, no one is punished or rewarded, but you go to Summerland, for a period of time, in which we program, with the ancient gods, a new life, according to what your soul has yet to learn, and then you back in this world, again, and therefore we reborn, we reincarnate. In our new life here in this world, we have what we deserve ... If we hurt in our past life, now we will pay the consequences, if we have done good, we will have a happy life, but always here on this earth, and not the 'hell or heaven, that is all bullshit Christian .. . (I hope not to have made a disastrous speech, sorry if I do not speak English well, but I am Italian ... hello) ...

Thanks for the answer. I did some research and came across Eclectic Pagan, which seemed to fit my ideas. The idea of pulling from different ideologies/ways of life. Thanks! I have not really looked into Wicca or becoming a witch. I have the most respect for people who are Wicca or Witches, but I have not really looked into becoming one. Thanks again for your answer, much appreciated! Also, no worries. Your English is very good, I understood everything.

Have a great day

Thanks for the great response.

have a great day!


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