Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Greetings to all! I have been busy for a while so have not been here much lately. That does not mean I have not been around! Ha! I would hope that you all have had good times in your lives these past weeks. I wish you well on your journeys to the unknown. Recently I was challenged by one who thought that he was superior to me. It took a lot of restraint to keep from hurting him in ways that he would eternally remember. However, when I stopped myself and thought about where his ignorance came from I couldn't help but be amused at how he truly believed he was in any way superior to me. Even through his threats and raised voice I still detected a trace of fear and ignorance in his voice, which lead me to believe he was only acting out in this manner to attempt to intimidate me into submission to his cause. Sadly he was mistaken. If he only knew what I could do to him he never would have confronted me in this manner. I left him with no idea of his near fatal consequence and in fact let him believe he had won this small battle. But there shall come a time when our paths will cross in another realm and he will feel the wrath of his actions. Has there been any times that any of you have been able to experience this situation and how did you handle it? Would be an interesting thing to find out how many of you deal with these types of people...Until then...Blessed BE.. and may Darkness be with you always...DW

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I work as a student loan collection representative... not an easy task in these times when people are out of work or unable to find a job to pay rent much less their loans. I get hostile, verbally abusive, angry calls every day. I usually put myself in their position... find out what is really behind the anger. This helps me to help them. I find that about 98% of the time... if I can get them talking.. they turn around and I can actually help. I have recieved awards at work for my ability to "talk down" angry people and resolve the situation to the benefit of the bank and the client.

One on one I have a co-worker who is very angry and negative. She actually reported me to my manager for laughing!!! My response has been very clear to her and my manager... I simply said she must be very unhappy and it is not my problem. I tried to talk to her... but that go nowhere.. so I said... from the heart... that I hoped she would gain some insight into her issues and resolve them before they destroyed her. She has not spoken to me since.. hooray for me! lol

I would never use magic against someone who is angry or hurting in some way. They are usually acting out in response to something else. Depression can sometimes come out sideways. Rather than looking into their own heart, a depressed person may lash out at someone who is just an innocent bystander. Try to look past the anger and hostility and look at the persons heart.. I think you will often find that said person is just sad and looking for a way past it... they just don't know how.

On the other hand there are people in the world we have an instant dislike for. Perhaps in a previous life we were enemies or just did a wrong to each other. In that case we will never get along... again.. not a problem.. just stay away. I may think of vengeance but would NEVER act on it. Remember whatever you put out in the universe will come back to you three-fold... negativity and anger will eat at your heart if you let it. Concentrate on the God or Goddess of your life... give your anger away to the wind.. let your higher power take it away.. you will be happier and more centered... and less likely to hurt someone else.. or be hurt in return.

I tend to try fly off the handle a lot..,I try very hard to ignore bigots and live by the rede do no harm...it;s not easy sometimes i just wanna scream ....I found out I get nowhere fast on that track but hey I am only human with human faults I know that I will always be like this so I learn to live with it, but I try ...not easy our path....I don't deal in darkness because i know for a fact that whatever you do does come back to bite you in the ass ...not worth it

We ave all been busy every so once in a while!


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