I can't stand it when you know that someone isn't even close to being wiccan and they act like they are. How they say that they've done a ton of spells when you can see it in their aura that they haven't. Then they go around trying to tell you that you're doing something wrong and you've been doing it for five freakin years. Or they tell you that your aura is depleting when most everyone knows that your aura can't be depleted unless someone is doing it to you, but usually you can feel that kind of thing. UGGGGG
One thing I love most about being Pagan is the freedom to be who I am and practice what I want when I want to. Paganism is freedom. No right or wrong in it. Recently I did a spell on someone and was told I wasn't a good Pagan because of it. I am no Wiccan.. I am Pagan. I am not wrong in what I do, I simply am.