Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

So Im really new to all of this, and i literally mean everything. I am trying to expand my knowledge and try and learn as much as i can. I just need guidance with everything. Iv very interested in learning all that i can. Im trying to find my path and such. If anyone thinks that they could help me or well at least tell me somethings that they know it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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So whats your path huh? Im just curiouse

i dont know im trying to figure that out

Ok. Im a celtic wiccan but im not trying to convert anyone.

 welcome ....

thank you

Im new to the site as well , I see that its not to active , as I come in weekly to see who has posted or written and its been really slow from what I have seen , I know that some of these groups are linked to other sites , but Im not sure if that is correct. I wish you well in walking the path , as their are many , and like a tree has many branches so to the path leads different places and mythologies. I suppose the best thing one could do is the research and learn all one can about a particular belief system , some are structured while others are not , and that to would depend on what one wants in their life ??? once you find a particular interest , learn all you can about it , do your best to aline the self with what you believe and see if this fits in with the theology that you believe , if it does then go from their .. their are hundreds of groups in the net , some teaching , and its not all about magick and spells , its about believing and allowing that belief to make the self a better you . So I wish you luck on your journey ...   

Random question. Do u believe in vampires?

uhm why?


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