Hello everyone!
My name is Alec and I am involved in undergraduate research at Arizona State University. My area of research is specifically about pop culture and how things in our media can be historically analyzed to uncover hidden attitudes about marginalized communities. I am currently researching Neopaganism in pop culture and would LOVE if any of you would be willing to answer some questions for me and help out with my research!
I know it can be weird and seem kind of uncomfortable to have someone come here asking to do research, but I assure you, this is not about exploiting the Neopagan religion or stigmatize it. It is STRICTLY about popular culture depictions of Neopagans and how it affects the lived experience of its practitioners.
If anyone could answer these questions here (Or if you feel more comfortable directly e-mailing me on here with your answers) I would appreciate it SO much! All the help I could get would be so greatly appreciated!
1. What are some pop culture depictions of the Neopagan religion in our society today? (American)
2. Are these pop culture depictions accurate representations of your religion?
3. How have these pop culture depictions of your religion affected your every day life or other's attitudes of you, if any?
4. Have pop culture depictions of your religion changed over time? (1940's-Today)
5. What are your opinions on how pop culture depictions of your religion end? (Ex. Happy Endings, Losing their powers, Assimilating into normative culture, etc.)
6. Any final thoughts or comments you would like to bring up?
1. Compared to cavemen neopagans are just as old
2. Pretty much
3. I'm not as young as I look
4. In the 1940's I really was younger
5. They wanna be old too
6. That pretty much assimilates it
I'm fifty four. Now I want to say I'm sixty! Wisdom comes with age and it's a good thing through our Source. Blessed Be.
1. pop culture depictions of Neopagans. Is that 21-st century? or 20th? if pre-21 first. The Bangles Walk like an Egyptian. A song of relative UNITY for instance as you listen to the lyrics. The novel WATERSHIP DOWN written by Richard Adams it is of spiritual evolution through ending unnecessary suffering. It speaks of Earth and what has always been. The Rede is simply DO NO HARM Check out the novel by Richard Adams. It is Wiccan at it's core. Spirit guides do exist.
When you speak of the 1940's is that of our century? time is relative. And Blessed Be
In our Source we find a thread that is of the truth of HARMLESSNESS. The thoughts and creative acts of those in art also found in POP culture are in the human heart.. Our SOURCE is with in us.. do no harm and may your will be done
Everything Changes over time. It is the will of SOURCE Number 6 question
I don't do TWEET.
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