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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I am moving my family into a new rental home next week. It has been occupied in the past by a lot of rowdy college kids and I want to clean out anything that shouldn't be there. I am pretty earth bound in my rituals now and am looking for a easy but through house cleansing/blessing.

I have sage and will burn it through out the night before we move anything in. I also have 2 new broom sticks to place at the doors, but am looking for something that will go a little deeper then that. We have had a run of bad luck till this house landed so to speak in our laps and want to make sure it stays that way.

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best of luck to you, i tend to keep it simple and other than burning some incense, and sweeping all negativity out, sprinkling salt then i just let my energy flow into the house, but that is me..
I think you have it about covered. When I move into a new place I burn sage and do a simple chant as I walk through the place. The only thing I would encourage is to include the windows. I generally make the sign of the pentacle to include the entire window with sage. I am not always able to include the salt in every place I have lived (depends on if it is an apt buiding or a house) so I have also included the vents in the apt's with the sage. If you are good at visualization... meditate and envision your living area encircled by a white light of protection from the Goddess. Then, depending on how long you live there, test the circle occasionally.. making sure it is still strong. When I have lived in a building occupied by others (as I am now) I include just my living areas and my vehicle in the circle. I don't want to include any "nasties" in it. :) Oh.. one last thing.. place a bay leaf for protection on the upper door jamb. I can't remember the exact purpose of bay... but it has always worked for me.
I have never heard of the bay leaf, so thank you. I will have research that some and see what i come up with.
my mom said run salt in and out your house and ask god for the blessing to draw out nevg from your new home
You probably already surmised this but dont buy anything from the silly fellow who mentioned juju caps... haha I agree with the circle of light concept... it always works well for me/// the real problem is can you yourself remain positive?
Getting this new house is a positive for me and my family. The home we have been renting is very small and has been falling apart for some time. The landlord refusing to do anything about it, so staying positive while i cleanse the house is not a problem.

Of course I was not going to buy juju caps... i'm still looking for guidence but i'm not a newb either.

Thank you all for your help
It wasnt a insult to your intellect just a freindly tip.
I wasn't insulted at all. Sorry if it sounded that way, so just rushing before work. I am very happy and apperciative of all the help everyone has offered.
Blessings! I came across this spell and remembered reading your post, so i thought I should Share;


Recite the following while burning St. John's wort in a fireplace or censer.

Touch the lintel and touch the wall,
Nothing but blessings here befall!
Bless the candle that stands by itself,
Bless the book on the mantle shelf,
Bless the pillow for the tired head,
Bless the hearth and the light shed.
Friends who tarry here, let them know
A three fold blessing before they go.
Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow
Faith in yesterday and tomorrow.
Friends who go from here, let them bear
The blessing of hope, wherever they fare.
Lintel and windows, sill and wall,
Nothing but good, this place befall.
Protection, Peace and Love surround me and my family.
As I Speak it,
So Mote It Be!

Hope you find this helpful. -Be Blessed
Ffawn, I really l ike this one. It speaks true to my hopes for the new house and is very me sounding. THank you for sharing.
alcanfor get it at a botanica


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