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Donna said:
A familiar is usually an animal such as a cat or toad or something of that nature. I've never heard of a mythological creature being a familiar. We can't summon our familiars. They come to us and reveal themselves.

but isn't a dragon a mythical creature too.., yet, regarded as a familiar, in fact one of the most powerful familiars i've heard of... i have also read some spells on summoning the dragon..., from the net
lirrik said:
the phoenix has been a part of mythologies and spiritualities for millenia
i believe that it can be summoned as one would summon any other animal power

i have a drumming session or listen to a cd
and inner journey
call on the animal spirit [oftentimes they come to us]

check out kenneth meadows books Shamanic Spirit and Shamanic Experience

oh my !!! really?

it thrills me so... i hope you can teach me how to summon it
penelope...the Phoenix is not a familiar...sorry...however it is one of the most cherished magickal entities that exist...i would not suggest that you attempt to summon this creature...for one when the Phoenix appears thee is only one reason for this...that it has business of it's own to attend to...second as with all magickal creaturesto summon one into our worls is to place them in mortal danger...do you have any idea what mankind would do if it actually saw one of these creatures?...Man's 1st instinct is to kill that which he does not understand and is afraid of...there would be created such a frenzy of attackers to find and kill it that you would never even get the chance to meet it...just like dragons...and they do exist...you have to find them...just think what would happen if all of a sudden an 80,000lb. dragon were to suddenly show up in downtown new york city!...imagine the chaos it would create...not to mention the military would be on it with their planes and guns...it would not stand a chance...you must seek these creatures out yourself and befriend them...one cannot find the path to these creatures on the net...no one knows how to find them on a website...you must find in your heart that which you seek...and let your heart guide you to them...if you truly are meant to find one...you will...if not take comfort in knowing that they really do exist...that they are real live creatures and that they watch over all of us in the magickal kingdom at all times...you will find them in your heart and in your soul long before you will find them in the flesh...just for knowledge sake i have met two dragons in this lifetime...i cant tell you where...but i cantell you that it took me many years to locate one and some time to befriend her and her young...they were the most beautiful creatures i have ever had the honor of meeting and cherish those times we had together forever...please before you conjure any magickal creature from it's place of hiding always think of how you would feel being snatched out of your safe place on thrown into the arena for the lions or[humans] to destroy...sorry to sound somewhat harsh about this but it is something i feel very strongly about and as a true Wiccan of ancient blood i must respect all magickal creatures wishes...after all if it were not for their sacrifices we would not have been given the right to practice magick...nor would some of us carry their blood...think before you conjure...Blessed BE...and may Darkness be with you always...DW
James Kelly said:
Miss Penelope,
The arch-typal that you seek, is clearly within YOU.
You can Summon the attributes to overshadow your various aspects of Soul.
What exactly are you seeking in this concept, that is the heart of your inquiry, is it not?
The Pheonix can gladly serve as a symbolic "familiar", but it is you who must be moreso "familiarized" with the essence of the Pheonix and how that relates to your personable journey as discerned from the inner landscapes of active imagination.
Is it the "Rising from the Ashes"? the Re-Birthing from a former "Death" the Element of a Cleansing Fire?" How would you characterize your sympathetic resonance with "the Pheonix"?
That is the Clue to the unfolding awareness you are seeking, in the Arch-typal relation, is it not?
The PsychicValidity of the "pheonix" is yours for the mere "Asking".
I know some of my statements may seem to contradict a few of the other commenters here, but not really..
I just hold forth that the qualities that you seek are indeed available thru your pure conscious intent, and That, is all you are really asking of the Omniverse anyways..
So Be "Familar" with the Pheonix, for with purest LOVE in heart, ALL THINGS BECOME POSSIBLE.
You are the Pheonix in Ascension.

oh james, thank you for that wonderful comment... i feel im energized with what you have said... i'll bear that in mind...strange.. but i thnk the phoenix in me has awakened.... *SMILES*


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