IMBOLC is around the corner and we are going to celebrate it with an old tradition with the intnention to reconnect to our Divine TRUST and FAITH in our personal DIVINE GUIDANCE and manyfold SUPPORT from our own soul aspects and I AM PRESENCE as well as from the entire Cosmos through our Guides, Masterteachers and Ancestors!
Today, on the Portal Day of T'ZI/OC, which stands for the bonds of LOVE between souls and communities, and 9 JAV, Fertility and Growth, element EARTH I would like to share my VISION for IMBOLC, which I suggest to celebrate annually TOGETHER as LIGHTGRID COMMUNITY from NOW on.
I see … I see … I see people gathering at rivers all over the world … I see them laughing and joking, children playing – snow, beach, sun, rain, fog, … many different scenarios … - I see them come together at the place where Mother Nature invited them to come … I see them being EMBRACED by the Divine Beings of NATURE, guided, elevated … they are singing songs – THEIR songs! Individual power songs and the soul songs of surrounding nature … the River you have come to visit is ALIVE! Your intention to go there is creating a BOND, which connects NOW and THEN … We bring candles and our „Make-a-wish-to-the-Goddess“-Boats, food to share and drink for everyone. Gathering in a CIRCLE – if possible around ceremonially light fire, or a candle or lantern, if not.
We OPEN the Circle and invite the Divine Powers of Heaven and Earth, of Sun, Moon and Water, Air and Ether in the name of our I AM PRESENCE and the I AM PRESENCE of ALL OF HUMANITY, ALL our ANCESTORS, back to the first ones incarnated on Earth, back to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS which was in the beginning and is to reappear NOW at the end of time as we know it!
UNITE our circles NOW!
Some circles use talking sticks as everyone is invited to SPEAK their TRUTH - NOW!
Other circles know each member well and each one has already gone through the initiatory steps of „coming out“. Free speech and the FLOW of the DIVINE can be experienced in both ways, with or without talking stick … and I see each member of the circle LIGHT their candle with the WISH of their HEART for the coming year on lips. For everyone to hear! Because it's time to WALK our TALK – and to choose our words wisely!
When everything has been said, we invoke the Presence of the Divine, each group in their very own and unique way, yet consciously interconnected … I see circles with circles, crossing circles within circles, all expanding as the waves on a still lake expand when a stone is thrown into the water … When you let your boat down into the water, with the candle(s) light, ask Divine Mother to always PORTECT and NOURISH you – you and your family and your circles of friends and soul-comrades … ask Divine Father to ENLIGHTEN you, to lighten the load you are maybe still carrying, and to UNITE us all in the consiciousness of LIFE coming all from the SAME SOURCE!
Singing and dancing, drumming and humming … CLOSE your ceremony, THANK your ANCESTORS and all your helping guides and spirits – and take the ESSENCE of a WISH SHARED home with you, as an experience from which you can draw until we meet again for the EQUINOX.
FIRE and WATER are the elements of PURIFICATION and TRANSMUTATION. Together they stand for all of humanity's cultural achievements which began with cooking, the possibility of a hot bath and the elixir of sweat-lodge experiences, which purify and unify our body-soul-spirit unity.
At IMBOLC FIRE and WATER MEET – not in harmful, angry ways, but CO-CREATIVE ones which make everything possible which before was not …
2023 marks the BEGINNING of IMBOLC being celebrated in this way by conscious humanity who is now INTERWEAVING their VISIONS on a newly evolving DIVINE LIGHT-GRID PLATFORM, which is not unique to lightgrid, but the BASE of all our work, which is intervowen with ALL THAT IS.
What to do:
Between 2 and 5 February I invite you to take a long walk in nature to gather suiting material from the woods for a small „Candle-Wish-Boat“ made out of natural materials, only! No iron nails, no glue – a thread, wood and a knife for shaping it and cutting threads is enough.
Your „candle-boat“ only needs to be as big as to hold the candle for your TRUE, heartfelt WISH for this year. As a womand and keeper of your family, you may want to give every memeber of your family the chance to make a wish. Decide individually, whether you make ONE small „wish-boat“ for one candle or several – or several wish-boats, one for each family member.
Make sure to have a TEST run in water, before we ceremonially let our boats float down the river of our choice on Feb. 5. Pictures of our boats, which we are going to make in our children's paradise will be posted here in comments and on TELEGRAM. If you would like to receive notifications, please activate the FOLLOW button or leave a comment here, which automatically subscribes you to the discussion.
Step 2: Find the most suiting and loving words and formulation for your most HEARTFELT wish for 2023 – and do NOT make it an overall „I wish for world peace“-wish, but one which involves YOU as the AGENT of DIVINE MESSAGE and FULFILLMENT!
What is it that YOU have to give as a GIFT to the world? What has shown up in your life as being part of your true TALENT which you would like to BUILD ON in 2023? What DIRECTION are you headed? What is your AIM, your mission and vision for a better world and WHAT CAN YOU DO to make it come TRUE?
These are the questions we are asking in preparation to be able to EXPRESS in words what we truly wish for.
On Friday 3, 2023, I offer a free online event for everyone interested in bringing HEALING to our family and tribe, as we celebrate the first of MAKOSH-FRIDAYS of this year together. More information is to follow, IF YOU SHOW INTEREST by commenting beneath this discussion.
What we are about to bring into MOVEMENT is big! Bigger than each of us – as big as the DIVINE itself! Please spread the message: EUROPE's WOMEN ARE WAKING UP, UNITING HEARTS, MANIFESTING GOD's WILL and the LOVE of the GODDESS in their everyday family and businness lives! We are REMEMBERING! NOW! In Divine Accordance with the Mayan Calendar Wave of TOOJ/MULUC, which began yesterday, 27 Feb. 2023!
February 5th – energetic overwiev
Why February 5?
February 5 is the day of the full moon and according to the ROD (=Earth) Calendar of our Slavic ancestors it is the perfect day to UNITE as ONE under the sign of 8 PRAV:
WE ARE GATHERING for the well-being of HUMANITY,
collecting forces in UNITY!
The symbol shows the threadwork of the grid of light. Continue the pattern and you end up with endless circles connecting to circles, forming the BASE NETWORK for the Divine Light!
I wholeheartedly invite you to meditate on this symbol, which works like a force-field of attraction for the POWERS of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS among MANKIND! And if there are at least 5 people interested in a zoom on February 3, I will show you the yogic/ gymnastic exercise called the BEREGINJA's POSTAWA of 8 PRAV, which our Ancestors in Europe used, to connect to the HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS GRID as WOMEN and MEN of the EARTH!
Moreover, 5 February, according to the Mayan Calendar, is a portal day of TIJAAX/ETZNAB.
This day glyph shows a pyramid and its heavenly mirror-reflection above – or a four-sided pyramid from ABOVE, or the tip of a ritual obsidian knife. It is the perfect day to „do away with negative energy and enemies“. On this day we can have a consciouns look at the MIRROR REFLECTIONS of our LIFE and guided by the force of lightening insight we are invited to OPEN UP to new perspectives, leaving behind the old, outworn patterns, false friends and unhealthy life situations we encounter with ONE strike of our SOWRD of Truth, Justice and Clarity!
„Etznab brings the power to cut mysteries and to open the gates to another dimension … It is the arrow that brings danger and on this day purifies the balance that we have done, be it positive or negative, teaching us on the physical, mental and spiritual plane. It is the energy that has the force that liberates the rational and it is connected to the Telluric force on earth (earthquakes and tremors).“ (Source: TZOLKIN app)
Etznab days are perfect „to start off a new path, … to cut dependencies, illness, suffering, fear, deceit and bad influences“ - added up to the Slavic day sign and rune of 8 PRAV, 5 Feb. is therefore the most suitable day to initiate the global changes we wish to see in the world!
All this said, written down and shared with you all, I ask the Divine Forces of LOVE and LIGHT to bring this message to all nations and peoples through YOU, the individual reading these lines which are meant to SPARK your HEART FLAME to LIFE!
Connected from HEART to HEART, we are weaving a new tapestry of LIFE and with perfect Divine Timing this NETwork of interwoven HEART-ENERGY will replace the old, rusty matrix, which is destined to FALL now!
In the name of my I AM PRESENCE I direct all my LOVE to HUMANITY's AWAKENING on EARTH, WEAVING the NET of LOVE from HEART to HEART, uniting women in Austria under the name of our DIVINE MOTHER who is the only source of true NOURISHMENT!
The Slavic name of the Divine Mother is MAKOSH – and, if you so will, we can celebrate her day on 3 February 2023 in a free online event, based on donation. For registration, please comment below or contact me personally.
In the name of Divine TRINITY, I ask the Threefold Flame to spark our vision and provide the energy for some real hand-on changes, which we are now ready to undertake and implement!
With all my LOVE, from eons of eons of evolutionary cycles, I greet each of you with full respect and omniversal love, Violet Flame Decrees on lips, emanating White Light CREATIVE POWER to each of you via the White Light CREATRIX,
Sonja Myriel RAouine
Claim your energetic gift: DRAWING by Sonja Myriel, jpg. Link to FREE DOWNLOAD PAGE.
Video - 5 Things You Need To Know About The Full Moon - Feb 2023
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