Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

In searching through the groups in Neopagan World, I was not finding any that shared information on the use of herbs and oils in ritual or spells. Is there any interest in starting a group that would give information on this topic? I have a library rich in this area and would be willing to put up a weekly "recipe" with tips and instructions and also to answer specific questions. Please let me know if this is something that would be helpful/useful to the community.

Blessed be,

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I would be a frequent reader on this topic as I am very interested in aromatherapy. I use essential oils in my profession as a massage therapist. I like Neroli and Sandalwood for massage best and Lavender gets rid of headaches.
The use of nature's ingredients in magik and ritual dates back to the beginning of (wo)man's awareness of the energies around and within her/him. The energies of plants through the use of both herbs and oils bring with them qualities that are specific to each plant. Our personal power can raise and release these qualities through empowerment. No ritual is necessary to empower herb and oil mixtures. Prepare the mixture and simply visualize your purpose as you touch the herb or as you hold the mixture in a bottle and send your energy into it.

* focus on empowering
* build energy in your body
* move energy into the mixture
* state that the operation has taken place

I will bring you recipes and suggestions for your magikal work weekly. Enjoy!

All contributions are, of course, welcome. If you have some favorites, please feel free to add them!

An it harm none, do as ye will!

Since cleansing before ritual is so important, I thought we'd start with some recipes for herbal baths. Creating a sachet of herbs is fairly easy and quite satisfying. Once the sachet is made, draw a warm to comfortably hot bath and place the sachet in the water. Take some time to soak (steep yourself) in the bath, visualizing your magikal goal, inviting the energies of the herbs inside you and sending them out to the Universe to bring your need into manifestation.

to purify you of all ills

4 parts Rosemary
3 parts Juniper
2 parts Bay
1 part Mugwart

Place the herbs in a mixing bowl and mingle them with your fingers, concentrating on your intent and pouring your power into them. Place about a handful of the mixture in the center of a square of cheesecloth, tie up the ends and add to your bath. You can make ahead and store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Be sure to label your jars.

Live in the Light,
It is a wonderful recipe to use just to relax. I began my familiarity with herbs from a healers perspective. I've used them for years for many purposes with great results. Upon my introduction to The Craft, I realized that my background with herbs, oils and crystals was going to open to new uses.

I can really appreciate your mixture of lemongrass, ginger, ginseng and cinnamon. Sounds wonderful and can't wait to try it.

Thank you for your input -- hope it continues!


To assist in breaking negative habits, prepare this sachet of herbs and place in a warm to hot bath. Enter the water after the mixture has started to color the water. As you soak in the tub, imagine all the negative energy of the habit you wish to break seeping out into the water around you. Visualize yourself avoiding the habit and joyfully rejoicing in its removal from your life. Visualize the water absorbing the need for the habit. When you've visualized all you can, pull the plug and allow the water to drain from the tub as you remain there. When all the water has drained, splash fresh water onto your body, washing away all traces of negativity. (This can be repeated daily until the habit vanishes from your life.)

Break the Habit Bath

2 parts Rosemary
1 part Lavender
1 part Lemongrass
1 part Lemon Verbena
1 part Sage

Place the herbs in a mixing bowl and mingle them with your fingers, concentrating on your intent and pouring your power into them. Place about a handful of the mixture in the center of a square of cheesecloth, tie up the ends and add to your bath. You can make ahead and store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Be sure to label your jars.

Live in the Light,
Praciticing divination requires the relaxation of the conscious mind and stimulation of psychic awareness. Try this bath prior to performing any forms of divination.

Divination Bath

3 parts Thyme
2 parts Yarrow
2 parts Rose
1 part Patchouly
1 part Nutmeg

Place the herbs in a mixing bowl and mingle them with your fingers, concentrating on your intent and pouring your power into them. Place about a handful of the mixture in the center of a square of cheesecloth, tie up the ends and add to your bath. You can make ahead and store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Be sure to label your jars.

Live in the Light,
Toil Oil

With our busy lives, we tend to forget that we can ask for help getting through hectic days. If you are in need of strength and determination, blend the following oils together, hold the container (preferably an amber or blue glass bottle with a lid -- do not use anything with a rubber stopper since the oils can essentially melt the rubber and then contaminate the oil) in your dominant/strong hand and repeat the incantation at the end of these instructions three times -- for the power of three and so that it is said for each of the mind, body and spirit:

1/2 cup saffron oil (for physical strength)
2 drops cedar oil (for courage)
2 drops rosemary oil (for mental focus)
3 drops vanilla (for power and health)
1 drop ginger oil (for success)

Seal them in the container and recite three times as you hold the bottle in your dominant hand and rotate slowly deosile (clockwise) sending your intent into the oils in the bottle:

Strong in spirit, strong in body, strong in mind
Within this oil, my magik I bind.
When to the seat of courage applied
There the magick and strength reside!

Apply a drop or two of this oil near your belly button, the body's center of gravity and the area where vigor resides, when needed.

And so it is.


Grind and empower with your intent and burn on charcoal when needed:

Allspice -- attract money and luck
provide extra physical energy

Gum Arabic -- purify and pr0tect the home

Bay -- purification
sharpen psychic powers

Benzoin -- prosperity
increased mental powers

Cedar -- speed healing
promote spirituality
obtain money

Cinnamon -- sharpen psychic powers
strengthen love
speed healing
draw money

Clove -- protection

Copal -- to purify stones and crystals before magikal use
promote spirituality

Dragon's Blood -- love
sexual potency

Fern -- burn the dried fronds indoors to exorcise evil
burn the dried fronds outdoors to bring rain

Frankincense -- protection

Juniper -- protection

Myrrh -- healing

Pine -- money

Rosemary -- increase intellectual powers
restore or maintain youth
cause sleep
to bring love

Sage -- promote healing and spirituality

Sandalwood -- protection

Thyme -- healing

Sachets or herbal charms consist of herbs and other materials wrapped up in bits of cloth and placed in your home, car or worn on your person to either ward off or attract to you certain energies. The herbs, other ingredients and the color of the cloth work together with the energy you impart to the sachet.

NOTE: use cloth made of natural fibers such as felt, wool or cotton. Synthetic materials seem to disturb the herbs' frequencies.


3 parts Rosemary
3 parts Basil
2 parts Fennel seed
2 parts Dill seed
1 part Bay
1 part Fern
1 pinch Salt

Place the herbs and salt in a mixing bowl and mingle them with your fingers, concentrating on your intent and pouring your power into them. Place about a handful or so (depending on the size of the cloth square) of the mixture in the center of a square of red cloth cut 5 to 9 inches along each side, and tie up the ends using red ribbon or cord. Squeeze it, pouring in addition power and intent, and hang in the highest place inside your home. Replace with a freshly made sachet every 3 months, dissasembling and burying the old one, asking the Mother to transmute and use the energy for the good of all. You can make ahead and store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Be sure to label your jars.

Live in the Light,
If there is anything in particular that you are looking for by way of the magikal use of herbs and oils, please post your request here, and we will research it and post the information. Additions to and questions about the information here are always welcome.

If you have favorite herbal or oil recipes you would like to share, please feel free to add them here as well.


1/4 tsp. dried cinquefoil
1/4 tsp. dried mugwort
1/4 tsp. dried thistle
1/4 tsp. tried vervain
1/4 cup solid vegetable shortening
1/2 tsp. clove oil
1 tsp. ashes from a ritual fire
1/2 tsp benzoin tincture

With a mortar and pestle, crush the dried herbs until almost powdered. In a small cauldron or saucepan, heat the shortening over a low flame until it is completely melted. Add the herb mixture, clove oil and ashes to the melted shortening and mix well. Add the benzoin. Stir together clockewise 13 times and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth into a small heat-resistant container and allow to cool. Store in a cool, dark place until you are ready to use it, keeping in mind that the shortening can go rancid. This mixture should be prepared only a few days ahead of time. On the night of the Full Moon, cast a circle for protection and rub a small amount of the ointment on your temples and third eye, being careful to avoid touching your eyes when applying.

As we know, actual flying is probably not the end intent of using this unguent. It is, however, purported to be helpful for out of body experiences.

Live in the Light,

3 drops of cedar essential oil
2 drops of sandalwood essential oil
1 drop of frankincense essential oil
1 teaspoon almond or olive oil

Mix essential oils in 1 teaspoon of almond or olive oil. Add the oil mixture to your warm bath water to direct your consciousness toward higher things or to promote spiritual awareness.


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