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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Hello! Looking for a mentor, or someone to discuss things with!

I am new to Wicca. I know I love it. I was naturally drawn to Tarot which is one of the reasons I became wiccan. I am in tune with all three of my tarot decks and get very accurate readings. I know i've had past lives, but I don't know what they were and I REALLY want to know. I feel they will open my eyes to why I am the way I am.

My biggest positive in my life is: When I'm happy, I'm really happy!
My biggest negative in life is: When I am mad, I am extremely mad. Not violent mad though! I couldn't hurt a fly! But I am caniving. (sp. is wrong) I am devious. I do mean things and write mean things about the person I am mad at. And for me to be mad at someone, that person has to do something ethically wrong in my eyes. So, I'm not getting mad at just anything.

So, with this site, I am hoping to find someone to talk to more in depth about situations in my life and maybe link them to why I am the way I am or who I was in the past.

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Sounds like you are just like my husband, he is bi-polar, but makes it through life just fine.

I would love to talk some time if you are interested just let me know.
Okay.... I'll try not to make you mad ;)

Anger is one of my issues too. In my case, I know where it comes from. That helps, but controlling it can still be a bit of a problem. For me, focusing my mind on something else when I get mad, even if just for a couple minutes, can allow me to come back it with a fresh enough perspective to handle things a little more rationally. I have kind of an odd sense of humor, so if I can't get away from, I look for something funny in it. If I can see the humor in it, then I'm not mad any more.

Unfortunately, the other guy usually doesn't have the same sense of humor I do....
Being in touch with past lives can bring those experiences and knowledge to this one as well. Finding your true path is not an easy one, but once you have found your true calling, walking that path will get easier. Remember to take the negitivity and to turn it into something positive. You don't want to do someone harm and it come back to you 3 fold. Feel free to ask any questions needed and I will be more than happy to help in any way I can.


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