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Doing ritual or spell casting when your not 100 percent

Just wondering what everyone's opinion about doing ritual or spell casting when you don't feel 100% is. I have a chronic illness and I am almost never really well. I frequently have bouts where my muscles are racked with pain, and can not walk very well.

Walking to create a circle, or holding a wand to direct energy is difficult, I start dropping things, and can't contentrate on spell casting. I have had a hard time just writing this post. My fingers are not working well, and I can't type. Much less light a candle or dance. This describes most of my days, and why I don't do a lot of workings. Because I often don't feel 100%, I wonder if since I am sick, and so often sick, that I should not be doing any workings.

What does every one think?

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There are other ways to raise energy...such as chanting.....tools are just symbols used to aid you in focusing on the task at hand...many older witches I have spoken with have said a witches goal is to be able to do rituals without the dependency we sometimes place on tools...
Thoughts and words are our strongest tool and there is no reason why you can't do workings in a way to suit your capabilities...don't let anyone tell you any different

Brightest Blessings,
In my oppinion when you're not feeling good maybe you can do your magick with your aura, and thought. When ever I'am sick and can't really move I do mental Rituals. I just chant whisper spells or imagine an alter there right in frint if me. So maybe you could read up on mental magick, maybe magick with your aura.

Bright Wishes,

you can do all this by visualizing it ...no need to have elaborate things around you just sit in a quiet place and see it in your minds eyes...so sorry to hear about your affliction it must be hard to live with this every day BB



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