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Cosmogenesis 2012: The Fall of Man, The Coming of the 5th Sun, and The Venus Project

The Fall of Man.
What a hauntingly accurate description of the downward social spiral the world finds itself in today. After my introduction and the explanation of The Venus Project, I have listed quotes from an essay on siloam.com that provide an eloquent and incredibly beautiful summation that goes full circle and will be relevant to you, no matter what faith you follow. On December 21, 2012, we will be entering the beginning of a 26,000 year long sun cycle. The 5th sun is the return of cosmic consciousness! We have passed through 4 other sun cycles that have been the ages of the material, physical, mental, and spiritual -the beautifully simple conclusion is left- we are going to put it all together, and truly embrace Divinity. Being an Indigo Child, I feel that it is my task to add to our collective consciousness. Read, children of Earth! Read, and be enlightened. And, don't forget to share this information. If you don't know already, consciousness is contagious, and word travels like lightning. I believe in you! I believe in all of us. We can do this, together.

"When modern culture lost respect for the animal world and the natural world, it disconnected itself from its roots. The return of evolutionary consciousness which carries the wisdom of our ancestors will restore consciousness of the cosmos to the soul of modern civilization. That will represent a rebirth and a new cosmogenesis. The rebirth and the new cosmogenesis will come from the past as an awareness of returning spirituality from the days before the Fall of Man. "

A New World will need a new social structure, as well. lirrik, I agree that the government is simply incompatible with the growing consciousness of humanity. We are quite intelligent, and have figured out the lies and tools of manipulation that our government perpetuates. We are getting impatient, and upset. We are forced to compete with each other to survive (employment). We cannot concentrate on developing our abilities because most people are unwillingly distracted with mundane jobs. People are being forced into desperate acts.

FACT: money is an illusion that now has little relevance to society and serves as a tool for manipulation and division along a kind of social organization that guarantees elitism, crime, war and social stratification. The reality of our situation is that if all debts are payed off, there would not be any money left in circulation! Money and debt are one in the same. Yes, that is right. Money was purposefully created to be a means of manipulation. It was created to exist for a very long time, but it is not unbreakable. We must do away with it, all together.

"The Venus Project is in the process of introducing a set of values and procedures that may enable us to achieve social nucleation. Our project will provide the designs and blueprints for a prototype community to test the validity of our proposals; we will strive to achieve a relevant orientation by which people may adapt intellectually and emotionally to our new technological age. We feel that anything short of overall social design would be inappropriate and ineffective. In fact, the only true "government" that can possibly exist is the earth and its resources. From there, all possibilities can be assessed. This is why an intellectual unification of all countries is needed, for the most important information we as a species can have is a full, highly detailed assessment of what we have on this planet."

Here's an elaboration on the Coming of the 5th Sun:

"The Mayans were people of the New Age, living well before their time in a world where dreams were equal to life, and life was but a dream. We are all cast upon this rock with a death sentence inherited by birth. Those who recognize that destiny before it is fulfilled can become the sons of God, while the life giving waters still flow. Those who venture into the underworld in the hopes that some merciful Lord of Xibalba will allow them some sense of victory to defeat the sentence of death will live in tribulation and despair, until the fires in their souls vanish. The story of One Hunahpu and his son Hunahpu tells the winners of the game that it is to be played with total commitment for the sake of the life to come in the generations which follow in the footsteps of the ancestors. Compassion for the sufferings of life is the secret they reveal to all who would proceed beyond the Cosmogenesis 2012. The time and the message were encoded in the New Jerusalem known to the Maya as Teotihuacan during the Age of the 5th Sun."

"When the path of the solar barque is found (2012), either it will demonstrate intelligent design, or it will demonstrate chaos. If it demonstrates the latter, then the search is futile, and even material science cannot prevail. If it demonstrates the former, the search is inevitably tied to the original intent. That is why, the world will change dramatically when the age of the 5th Sun passes successfully. Then, humanity will necessarily be counted amongst the gods who have recognized the inevitability of intentional design in creation. Thus, the end of the age of the 5th Sun was understood by the Maya to be the time of the release of the soul from the prison of material existence through cosmic enlightenment of the originating plan."

"The Giza complex was designed to carry the most profound knowledge which human kind had ever gained from the experience of life. The architecture was created to demonstrate the principle of the empty tomb, or the resurrection to everlasting life. That is the essential message behind all great monumental structures. The very idea of monumental construction is to pass on to later generations the wisdom of prior ages. When understood and properly applied, the resurrection of the spirits of the ancestors can be fulfilled. During the life span of the monument builders, their own cultures were stabilized for centuries, or millennia, by the knowledge that their own purposes in life could reach fulfillment, if not in the immediate experience, in a reincarnation when their knowledge returned to earth as cosmic wisdom. A higher goal for any generation is not a possible reality. "

"The fact that we do not create great monuments any more is evidence that we live after a cataclysmic event. It is a means of communication we no longer understand. We have searched everywhere, and we have essentially proven that since the last ice age, circa 9,500 BC, there have been no great worldwide catastrophes in the material world. The catastrophe that has occurred, and the influence of which still effects us today, is what the ancients called the Fall of Man. That is the catastrophe which results when dreams become more important than reality; when ego is more important than consciousness. This particular catastrophe was predicted by the architects of the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the monuments in Mesoamerica. We are presently searching for our beginnings, after denying our ancestors. But, we are failing to acknowledge that the reason we do not understand our ancestors, is because we portray them as illiterate beasts.

"The quest of Cosmogenesis 2012, whether Mayan, Egyptian, or any other, must begin with the realization that a catastrophe of consciousness has occurred to human civilization. As we uncover the cosmogenesis, we will begin to see how denial has resulted in the fall, and how restoration of ancient beliefs will resurrect a New Aeon within our souls. The ancients told us very clearly, the message is written on the walls of the cosmos. They say that we must move away from our cave of self consciousness and into the everlasting spirit of being. This movement will function within the person as a vehicle fired by spiritual enlightenment. What we see through all the researchers from Hertha von Dechend and Giorgio de Santillana in Hamlet's Mill to John Major Jenkins in Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 is an increasing awareness that we have lost something we once cherished as cosmic awareness. That cosmic consciousness is being reborn, and it will happen on the schedule first recorded in cave drawings over 30,000 years ago. Our first step is to acknowledge that human mental capacities have not evolved continuously to greater consciousness over the intermediate ages, but they have been falling in a downward spiral toward obliviousness, for several millennia. The cycle we are presently completing was described nearly 2000 years ago in gnostic words recorded about our loss of personal soul."

"The essay Transcendence in Mayan Mythology demonstrated valuable esoteric wisdom in the Maya concept of the cosmogenesis of First Father in 2012. The follow up essay www.siloam.net/jenkins/index2.html#top">Source of the Cosmogenesis Story presented a cursory introduction to the source of all the greatest myths, Mayan or otherwise. The essay ended with the comment, "When the ancestors first saw the enlightenment, is not yet known, for it is still lost in the cycles of the heavens. The result of the enlightenment has been found again. The enlightenment was the Word, as originally expressed by whatever Force has the capacity to place the stars on their individual journeys. That Force is incredibly greater than any force knowable to humans. The cosmogenesis of 2012 will be a realization that the Word was that force, and those that can comprehend the Word, will be given the power to become sons of God." I have repeated these words to emphasize the point that the Maya myths were not esoteric fantasies, they had the very high goal of turning Maya children into gods. This is the goal of all religions. This is the meaning of the 5th Sun. "

"We must not blind ourselves to the fact that rational science, when applied to the metaphysics of religion, is incompetent. This incompetence comes from the tyrannical hypothesis implied by the scientific method as we apply it today. Our version of the scientific method excludes subjectivity. More important to the science initiate, is the mandatory edict that any scientific expression be presented with all subjectivity removed and replaced by total objectivity. That tyranny is an action of the trickster known as Seven Macaw to the Maya. If the Maya myths are expressing the Word of First father, then it has to be subjective. The subject is the whole essence of the myth. Science must exclude the complete story in order to be objective. That exclusion makes the modern scientific method incompetent to comprehend the subject of the cosmos as understood through any ancient myth which is a subjective vision of the cosmos. "

"There is a need to effectively honor the peoples who prepared the way to an understanding of the meaning of the 5th Sun. One way we can properly do that is by supporting the ultimate prophecy; that cosmic consciousness in the form of First Father's message will lead many generations of people to become sons of God. It is time for the ceremony of the opening of the mouth, and the acceptance of our common heritage within Mother Nature which came by the word of First Father. That is the perspective of the Maya sacred cosmogenesis which conjured the whole of the cosmos from the Fathers in the north to the Sons in the south, from Birth in the east to Death and Resurrection in the west, from the bottom to top, through Mother Earth and Father Sky, and from the First Fire to the Heavenly Field on the axis of the Milky Way. "

Now we know that the outcome of our society and planet is completely dependent on our collective consciousness and enlightenment, I suggest that we get our act together. It is 2009, after all. This is our chance! We have time to make intelligent moves, one of utmost importance being social reform- which is where The Venus Project comes in.
I'm sure we will have much to converse about.
Please inform me of your opinions. I would love to hear them!
We are onto something. We are remembering cosmic consciousness!

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